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In Just Three Days!

Our 40/41-Year Reunion Party begins in just THREE DAYS! Everyone is invited from the Class of ’80 and the Class of ’81 to join us at the Hilton Springfield at 7pm on Saturday, October 16. The party goes ’til midnight with open bar, plenty of eats and a DJ to keep you awake, if that was your concern. Click this to grab a ticket right now and join the group for what will be the best damn reunion party you’ve ever attended. Tell your friends from the Class of ’80 and Class of ’81 because we don’t want to hear about anyone having regrets. Click this to see all the party details and then click to see the “Who Will Be There” list.

Ticket Price Increase Monday!

Ticket price will increase $10 this coming Monday, September 27. Tap the green button, below, or click this to grab your tix at the discounted price!

Dress Code: Casual (most classmates dress nice casual) Just like we did five years ago!

Reunion: Let’s Do it Again!

Five years ago was so much fun so let’s do it again! Saturday, October 16 at the Hilton Springfield (just like we did five years ago) from 7pm to midnight (just like we did five years ago). This year the party is for both the Class of ’81 and the Class of ’80. Share the news with your friends from ’80 and let’s make this the party we deserve after too many months of weirdness.

Click this to purchase tix through the portal.

Reunion party will include all of the following:

  • 4-hour Open Bar (beer, wine, and liquor) – final hour will be a cash bar 
  • Hor D’oeuvres (starting at 7PM) 
  • Deejay & Dancing 
  • Discouned Hotel Rooms at the Hilton Springfield – only $99/room each night.
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  • Photos!

    We have a bunch for you - click this to see our most recent photos and then you can check out older photos in our Flickr account - click this to see those.